More Business, Less Fun.

 Honestly, I guess I can't just drink myself into a stupor without incurring someone's wrath in upper management. Guess with this memo circling, I might as well tell you guys about it.

Whatever is going on seems to be too big to go unnoticed either, and maybe events are brewing beyond our control.

Do I like it?

Hell no, I don't.

Will I do anything about it?

Only if it starts personally affecting my job and Jack's well being. I said I was a team player.

Never said which team I played for.

Point is, I think Jack and I are going to be in some deep shit. 

TO: All Agents Posted at Sanctuary
FROM: Upper Management
  • Thank you for your support in this current project.
  • We would like to show our appreciation for your efforts with a warning.  
 Denizens of Sanctuary, we'd like to warn you that there is an effective Red Status for the entirety of the compound until further notice. Reports from reconnaissance teams have indicated a large scale threat near the confines of inhabited Sanctuary.

Be advised, all agents K5 and higher are on high alert status, mobilize infantry and defensive forces.

Perimeters checks to be tripled along the zero defense line. Heavy weapons and explosives authorized.

We hope you have a good day.

- The Board 


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