Incident Report: Logistical Anomalies
Report Number: 01030500
Logistical Anomaly
Name: Data Not Found
Date: Data Not Found
Date: Data Not Found
Contents: Declassified
From the Personal Desk of Section Chief Tag
I've been coming up with some issues lately that I don't think I can discuss with anyone besides myself. Of course the blog is an open source thing for Underland but even I have my own private archives.
Whatever messages are getting through are still mine. But even with data retrieval going, it's not easy to figure out from where.
I've been...foggier lately. I think it's stress. Or emotional drain from everything finally catching up with me.
Maybe I'll just explain what I'm seeing.
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Logistical anomaly detected in archives, files not found.
Archives Unavailable.
Username: Tag
Password: *************
Archive Retrieval in Progress.... 5%
Files not found? The story of my life so far. This is what you get when you try to cram terabytes of information on easily portable drives, any form of data cloud and otherwise. You lose so much of it in the ether...
The ether.. Man, I sound old.
My archives have been purged. And copied, it looks like. I don't know how, except for the fact that I managed to pass out at my personal terminal. That's not like me.
I don't sleep. I don't need to. But.. it's been a long time since I've ever felt that tired. Nothing usually drains me like that unless... I can't say for certain.
Whatever has been happening around here isn't normal. It's only been a few weeks since we cleared the area with the Culling... But even that feels like it's happening within a certain level of... tension?
Tension. That's the word for it.
Like cold, hard hands, gripping my soul. I was chalking it up to emotions. Not used to those, you know. I'm a shadow. How can a shadow be contained?
We don't usually feel anything beside the light that lets us exist. It's.. unnerving. Like there's a presence constantly in my head, no matter what happens.
I remember.. something. From a few days ago. A voice in the dark? Maybe... Usually I have to sign off on everyone here, especially before they even get the clearance to get to this part of the office. But she managed to get in without even setting off the wards.
It doesn't make any sense.
Nothing makes sense anymore.
Not these hard drives. Or my distinct need for sleep. Or the fact that my coffee cup is mysteriously filled every five minutes. Whatever is happening isn't supposed to make sense at all.
Or it does. I don't know. I'm either tweaking out on caffeine or lack of proper sleep.
I need a drink.
Or better yet. A plan.
More coffee, less bitching, I suppose.
Think it'll start working if I turn it on and off again?
- Tag
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