Supplemental Information

Employee #: 161110
 Date Acquired: [Unknown/ Approval Pending]
Codename: "Tagalong"/ Tag
Current Rank: K5 (Promotion Pending)

[REDACTED], acquired by The Board as a voluntary contractor to the East Coast Branch on [date withheld], serving for [number withheld] amount of years as a field agent until subsequent promotion to K6 following the [name withheld] Incident, replacing the previous Senior Field Agent [name withheld], who was reported KIA in the related field report. Following the next [number withheld] years of service to The Board, "Tag" was promoted to K5 under the condition that the employee was banned from field work following the deaths of [number withheld] agents and enemy personnel following the Solstice.

Made the Section Chief of the Middle Management Branch "Acquisitions and Logistics", [REDACTED] began a campaign of steady gains for the Board in their quest to control the growing Runner population and their agenda against The Board of Executives.After acquiring information and the subsequent near termination of original problem groups, among other proxies too focused on their personal goals to be recalled, Field Agent K8, "Dia" was placed under "Tag's" command, her first assignment being the Disney World Incident in 2012. Disney World Case File is currently inaccessible due to review by the Executive Branch, results accessible in an indeterminate time period. Further information can be found when declassified through "Dia's"  Field Reports.

Acquisitions and Logistics suffered the loss of several agents over the years due to increasingly hostile activity from domains and Runner's gaining ground on corporate territory. Other departments have stepped in the fill the gaps while "Tag" himself continues to request for re-admittance to the field by any means necessary. Request pending after K8 Dia has been promoted to K6 following Project Sanctuary, five years after disappearing from active duty due to personal differences.

Notable Agent Losses:

K4 "Morningstar"
Status Unknown

K4 "Nightscream"
Status Unknown

K3 "David"
Status Unknown 
Status: Active

[Information Redacted. Access Denied]
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Access Granted

Hidden File: Authorized Agents Only.

Subject: Jeff ("Keeper")/ Relation to "Tag"

Section Chief "Tag" is under scrutiny due to suspicious expenditures and forged log activity following his assessment of K6 "Dia". While previously allowed to roam free after his promotion to K5, Tag continues to act on his own instead of directly for the benefit of The Board and its goals.

Notably, his near perfect understanding of the previous K6 "Jeff", purpotedly turned to our side, but nearly as uncontrollable after his exposure to Azoth through the machinations of K4 "Cheska"/ Fallen.

While known as a researcher in his own field, his understanding of such a prominent target was questioned by his superiors, his answer only accounting to this transcript.

- Begin Transcription -

"Tag": "Like I said, boss. I had a feeling he would be there."

[Name Withheld]: "You're on thin ice as it is, Tag."

"Tag": Well if it pleases the court, I managed to get some files."

[Name Withheld]: "Which is why you're still alive."

"Tag": "Thank fuck for small miracles."

- End Transcription -

Further investigation pending.


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