Lines in the Sand
Like I had said before. Nearsighted goals. Survival. You know what that means? Compromise. Living by the skin of your teeth and making the hard calls. Jack has done it for as long as she's been alive. And of course it's "done wonders for her mental and emotional state." Not that I could complain, I just have a weird burning feeling in my gut. I've been doing it since I gave my soul away to protect people I care about. I drew a line in the sand each time I said I thought I'd given enough. Think of it like a Japanese zen garden, except if you arranged all of those lines together, they would have spelled out: "You sad, gutless fuck." Or something to that effect. I don't fucking know. I've been trying to overdose on coffee to ignore those thoughts. Jack always gave me this look because I was never a fan of soda. Caffeine does wonders for a tired mind. Someone called me an addict in the comments of one of my previous posts. Pretty su...